Darko Fabijan wrote this on April 13, 2010

Hope for HTML5 history

Kyle Scholz introduces a new API in HTML5 for working with the history stack. Read on why it’s important that something like this will eventually replace the likes of jquery history which manipulate the browser location hash.

We’re using jquery history on Plakatt explore interface but we’d sure love to have a single URL scheme and provide easy asynchronous loading of content that’s crawlable. via ajaxian.com

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About Darko Fabijan

Rendered Text co-founder. Enjoys breaking new ground and exploring tools and ideas that make lives of developers interesting and productive. Nowadays has less time to write code but has great pleasure in discussing it with the team. He spends his free time cooking, hiking and indoor gardening.

Suggested Reads

Rails Testing Handbook

A new ebook on building test-driven Rails apps with RSpec and Cucumber.

At Rendered Text, we have a long history with Ruby on Rails. Checking the blog archive reminds me that we published first posts about working with Rails way back in 2009.


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